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New in Readerware 4

  1. How do I upgrade to Readerware 4?
    You can download Readerware 4 from the download page. Pick your operating system from the list on the right. Readerware 4 will install in a new location so that you can run Readerware 3 and Readerware 4 during the transition period. Installation...

  2. How can I merge two Readerware databases?
    With Readerware 4 you can easily copy/paste complete items in the same database and between databases. So to merge databases, simple copy/paste. If you are using an earlier version of Readerware, please see the linked article at the bottom of this...

  3. How can I automatically backup my database?
    Readerware 4 adds a new way to backup your database.     Introducing the new automatic backup feature It is very important to regularly backup your database to protect your valuable data, and Readerware has always included a built in...

  4. How can I search on multiple database fields, do a range search, a negative search?
    You have always been able to easily search on any database field using the search bar in the main window.   But what if you want to search on multiple fields, search for a range of dates, perform a negative search etc. All these are now...

  5. How can I rename a Readerware database column?
    You can easily rename any column in the Readerware database for your own purposes.   Renaming the Readerware Database columns The first question is probably why would you want to rename the Readerware database columns? Readerware has three...