Can I export images from Readerware to a TAB Delimited or CSV file?

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Last Updated: October 05, 2019
Keywords: export, images, csv, tab delimited, database

A CSV or TAB Delimited file is a text file so it cannot contain the images themselves.

You can export images from Readerware. Select the File->Export menu item and choose the Images format. You get to choose how the image files are named and the image format used. Readerware will create a folder of images that you could then upload to your website.

You can include a link to the image in the exported file. As you go through the export, select the Export image URLs option on the Column Selection page of the wizard. You will then be presented with the Image URL selection page. You tell Readerware how the images were named, the same information you included in the image export. You can also include the base URL.

So for example, if you exported the images using the Book ID as the file name and the PNG image file type and included a base URL of "", then Readerware might generate an image URL of something like:


So the exported file will include the full link to the image file.

More on exporting from Readerware here.

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