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Readerware 4 is now available

Readerware 4 is a major upgrade with many new features and improvements. Visit the Readerware web site to learn more about upgrading to Readerware 4.

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Find a video and then simply drag and drop the page onto the Readerware window drop target and it is cataloged.



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Select the site you want to search from the drop down list.

Select the request type from the drop down list:

Quick Search - Enter a title and hit the enter key or the Search button.

UPC/Barcode Search - Scan a bar code, (CueCat® supported), the search will start immediately. Or type the UPC and hit the enter key or Search button.

Advanced Search - Hit the Search button to go to the site search page, the search string is ignored.

Home Page - Hit the Search button to go to the site home page, the search string is ignored.


Note: The search results will be displayed in a new window. If nothing happens when you start the search, check your browser popup blocker settings.