Readerware remote support setup

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Last Updated: October 06, 2019
Keywords: remote, remote support

Readerware offers remote support. If you need technical assistance with Readerware products we can connect to your system and perform the work for you or demonstrate what you need to do.

Before we can connect to your system, you need to install the Readerware remote support application.

You can download it from

There is no installation necessary, just run the application and a small window will be displayed:

Readerware remote support client

You will see your unique 9 digit ID displayed in the window, you will need to provide this to us so that we can connect to your computer. The password is set by us and will display as asterisks. The message next to the green bar indicates that the remote client is ready to accept a new connection. You must leave this window open so that we can connect.

You simply need to e-mail your 9 digit ID as displayed in that window to Close any applications you are using so that there is no confidential information displayed, but be sure to leave the Readerware Support window open. We will connect to your system once we receive your ID.

You can watch as we take control of your computer and perform the necessary maintenance for you. If we need any assistance from you as we do this, we will initiate a chat session.

Once the remote support is complete and we have disconnected, you can close this window and get back to work.