Thumbnail View Preferences

This panel is used to change thumbnail view preferences.

Show Titles Under Thumbnail

If checked the item title will be displayed under the thumbnail, image.

Show Toolbar in Thumbnail View

If checked the thumbnail toolbar will be displayed. You can use this to scale the images, change the sort sequence etc.

Sort Thumbnails By

You can specify up to three columns to use when sorting the thumbnails for display.

Thumbnail Sizes

You can set the minimum, preferred and maximum size of the thumbnails.

Readerware will display the thumbnails in your preferred size. You can scale them between the minimum and maximum values you specify.

Note: Readerware preserves the aspect ratio when scaling images.

Thumbnail Popup Template

When you hold your mouse over a thumbnail, Readerware displays a popup containing more information about the item. Readerware uses an HTML template to layout the popup contents.

You can edit this template to display the information just the way you want it. This template uses the same format as the report writer templates.

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