User View Statistics

You can display the view statistics dialog by selecting the Views->View Statistics menu item.

It is important to understand that the statistics are for the current search results. So if you want the statistics for the full database, make sure you do a full database search or click on the All Albums button in the toolbar. This means that you can also get statistics for albums by category, on loan etc.

This dialog contains the following information about your CDs:

Number of titles (records) - This is the number of different titles displayed, i.e. the number of records.

Number of CDs - This is the number of CDs displayed. The difference between the title and CD counts is that CDs include copies. So if you have 2 CDs displayed and 3 copies of each CD, the title count will be 2 and the CD count will be 6.

Number of discs - This is the number of discs displayed. Again copies are included. So if you have 2 CDs displayed and one is a 2 disc set, the disc count will be 3.

Total Value of CDs - This is the total value of all the CDs. This is just a simple accumulation of the estimated value field. It does not perform any currency conversion. If you use this field, you should ensure that foreign currencies imported from overseas web sites are converted to the local currency.

Number of unvalued CDs - The number of CDs that do not have an estimated value.

Number played - The number of CDs flagged as played

Number not played - The number of CDs not flagged as played. Just waiting for a rainy day.

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